Up shit creek

by ragingcrip

The rise of benefit sanctions in Scotland to single parents by 563% is symptomatic of the massive damage inflicted on the poorest in society as we slowly drift up shit creek: http://welfarenewsservice.com/benefit-sanctions-rocket-much-563-shocking-figures-reveal/ Disability issues have now split the coalition, its made the nebbish Danny Alexander say sorry about the evil bedroom tax: http://welfarenewsservice.com/danny-alexander-im-sorry-bedroom-tax-video/ While the Lib Dems will feel the rage at the Scottish referendum, the split is important, and as Sue Marsh writes there needs to be “maximum crowbarring”: https://ragingcrip.wordpress.com/2014/07/17/bankrupting-the-state/ Its finally dawned on the Lib Dems what a cock up the bedroom tax is: http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2014/07/why-lib-dems-should-back-labour-and-completely-oppose-bedroom-tax People from all over the political spectrum now acknowledge what a shit policy the bedroom tax is: http://leftfootforward.org/images/2014/07/bedroom-tax-poll-1j.jpg

Despite the damage created by the grinning cocknugget Patterson, the new environment minister Liz Truss is continuing with the badger cull: http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2014/07/why-lib-dems-should-back-labour-and-completely-oppose-bedroom-tax Truss is a key part of the new right of the filth: http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2014/07/leader-cameroon-dream-fades-new-right-continues-rise In not too long it will be her in the wellies, wading around and looking dismal, but she should expect that – she isn’t stupid, and that’s what happens when you are a dirty climate change denier caught up shit creek without a paddle: http://www.politics.co.uk/comment-analysis/2014/07/15/liz-truss-a-not-very-green-environment-secretary The shmeril Patterson has wasted no time in showing he has shit for brains since leaving the cabinet, and is delivering this year’s annual lecture at the (Fucking) Global Warming Policy Foundation, the climate sceptic group: http://order-order.com/2014/07/18/sacked-o-patz-trolls-climate-change-campaigners/ Nonetheless the goon Montgomerie thinks it was a bad idea to get rid of Patterson: http://www.conservativehome.com/thetorydiary/2014/07/patersons-sacking-is-a-mistake-but-he-is-now-free-to-push-climate-scepticism-and-brexit-from-the-backbenches.html The reality is that the replacement is more of the same. Its just selfish greedy people struggling to climb the greasy poll, these fucks don’t give a flying dildo about the environment. Its just ‘me, me, me’ – the sort of shit they pedalled in Britannia Unchained. In this instance the damage done by these fuckwits will be permanent.

I don’t really understand money. I am an archaeologist, I have zero interest in money flow, but the housing bubble is a very important aspect of the revolution. When that bursts, that’s when the end game finally begins. The schlongs are worried about the bubble. Gerard Lyons, the Chief Economic Advisor to the apologist for the bloated Bojo, wants the interest rates raised to 6%: http://labourlist.org/2014/07/boris-economic-advisor-wants-to-hike-interest-rates-to-6/ Carney says its 2.5%: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-28053045 The clever Yanky recognises the fear of economic meltdown on his watch, and he has every right to be, as the whole concept is the ‘brain’-child of the dimwit with the rosy cheeks. That in itself must give a warning sign.

The social cleansing of London has been surging: http://www.insidehousing.co.uk/care/dramatic-rise-of-families-forced-out-of-london/7004728.article Its an example of the damage being done by this toolbox as we drift up the creek. At the same time these aholes are trying hard to suppress reports which demonstrate how shite universal credit is: http://ukcampaign4change.com/2014/07/17/dwp-tries-again-to-stop-disclosure-of-universal-credit-reports/
The soaring problem of council tax has begun to be prominent, as councils struggle – look at Wakefield – http://www.wakefieldexpress.co.uk/news/unpaid-council-tax-bill-rises-to-almost-20m-1-6738143

A complete opposite of the damage being done by the pogrom of the poor are the brilliant, decent people, who have made sacrifices to help people in need. These people make a mockery out of the ‘moral mission’ of DC: “Many of the great political questions of our time are also moral questions – we should not be surprised and nor should we be dismissive when members of the clergy make their views known. But neither should political leaders be afraid to respond. Our long-term economic plan for Britain is not just about doing what we can afford, it is also about doing what is right. Nowhere is that more true than in welfare. For me the moral case for welfare reform is every bit as important as making the numbers add up.” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/david-cameron/10647538/Cutting-benefits-part-of-a-moral-mission-Cameron-tells-new-Cardinal.html What a contrast this drivelling shit is from the brilliant ladies of Catford, Carole and Susie Bradshaw. Here is some Carole: “It always seems to be that when the government does something, it does it in a blanket way. The feeling was that the benefits system does need changing, but a lot of the changes, from what we see, are not making things better. They don’t make allowances for people who are not in a good place and whose lives are very chaotic.” In other words its an unmitigated disaster. http://annmcgauran.org.uk/2014/07/17/the-debt-ladies-we-felt-called-by-god-to-catford/ Genuine people are once again forced to manage the evil dolloped out by these pillocks in the name of the fucking ‘moral mission’.

An unfortunate feature of being up shit creek is the crisis of the prison service – http://www.politics.co.uk/blogs/2014/07/18/chaos-in-prisons-but-the-minister-goes-part-time I’m afraid its still early days, but the bastards DC kept in his reshuffle were very important – the joker Grayling, the shit-stain Pickles and the meshugennah IDS.

Its absolutely disgusting the way that these posh bastards are denying people crisis loans. People in need are regularly denied help: http://touchstoneblog.org.uk/2014/07/the-dwp-response-to-our-campaign-is-that-the-best-they-can-come-up-with/ The money is there but the toffs will only give it to bloated sanctimonious bastards: http://www.cpag.org.uk/sites/default/files/CPAG-briefing-Foodbanks-debate-18-Dec-2013.pdf

A symptom of the mid reaches of shit creek is the increasing incompetence of the government. Since March 2014 the arses have been using lie detector tests on us, they probably have been watching too much of the irritating butt-munch Jeremy Kyle. While an appearance on the JK Show is unlikely to involve destitution, the liar detector tests of the council muppets often do. Its no surprise its been run by the bastards Crapita: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/mar/10/councils-use-lie-detector-tests-benefits-fraudsters

Toffs hate being with plebs. Bearded billionaire nebbish Richard Branson has vowed to be on board the first Virgin Galactic commercial flight. For a mere £120000, tourists can enjoy a 150-minute trip, including six minutes of zero-gravity. But the company has suffered a series of setbacks and the date for the first flight has moved several times. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/18/-sp-10-things-we-learned-this-week Its small change at £800 a minute.

Young George is just one, and to celebrate this extraordinary achievement the Sunday Schlock (Express) has a special story: “The Sunday (Schlock) Express can exclusively reveal the Queen will be guest of honour at Kensington Palace on Tuesday as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge throw a private party for close friends and family to mark their beloved son’s milestone. http://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/489954/Prince-George-prepares-for-first-birthday-as-Queen-leads-celebrations Yes – its going to be a royal knock-out, they throw a private party and we all foot the bill.